Welcome to the start of winter and December’s astronomy highlights. December although being one of the coldest months for stargazing, it’s also one of the most rewarding months. In the night sky this month we have some exciting astronomy events such as famous winter constellations, the largest gas planets visible and also one of the biggest meteor showers of the year. Let’s take a look at what’s up this month.
Geminid Meteor Shower | December 13-14
The first astronomy event – the Geminids, one of the most reliable meteor showers of the year, peak on December 13-14. Known for their bright, multi-colored meteors, the Geminids can produce up to 120 meteors per hour at their peak in dark skies. This year, a near Full Moon will impact the number of meteors visible but this shower is always memorable. Wrap up and look toward the constellation Gemini after midnight for the best show.
Shooting Star – Ahmet Yuksek
Full Cold Moon | December 15
December’s Full Moon, known as the Cold Moon, reaches its peak on December 15th. Its name reflects the frigid temperatures of winter. Rising early, it bathes the night sky in a cool, bright glow—perfect for a serene winter evening especially if it’s illuminating the winter snow.
Full Moon – Dmitry Limonov
Ursid Meteor Shower | December 22-23
Closing the year, the Ursid meteor shower peaks on December 22-23. While less intense than the Geminids, the Ursids offer a steady display of 5-10 meteors per hour. Radiating from the constellation Ursa Minor, they’re best viewed in the early morning hours.
Shooting Star – Hobi Photography
Winter Constellations | Whole month
December’s crisp nights bring some of the year’s brightest constellations. Look for Orion the Hunter, with its iconic Belt of three stars, and nearby Taurus, featuring the brilliant Aldebaran. The Gemini twins, Castor and Pollux, shine high in the sky, while Canis Major boasts Sirius, the brightest star in the whole sky. These astronomy events create a dazzling celestial display, perfect for exploring under clear, dark skies.
Winter Constellations – Frank Cone
Gas Planets | Whole Month
Throughout the whole of December, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible in the dark winter sky and spectacular to observe through a telescope. Due to their size and relatively close distance to the Earth, it’s quite easy to see detail on the planets with a modest telescope and definitely one of the most unforgettable astronomy events!
Jupiter Saturn – Michael Teoh
Travel with The Aurora Zone
This months astronomy highlights is really showing off how wonderful our skies are set to be full of activity and of course after the official Solar Maximum announcement, there is no better time to travel to the Aurora Zone…
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Image Credit: Featured Image – Nick Owuor